Perform visual queries using circles and rectangles to select a particular area or areas and the corresponding table data. Query a table simply by drawing a bounding shape on the map. The callback function will contain data from the area that corresponds to the table or query. If no table or query is provided a string description of the drawing will be returned.

  1. <html>
  2. <head>
  3. <style type="text/css" media="all">
  4. #datadiv {
  5. height:300px !important;
  6. overflow-y:scroll;
  7. }
  8. .mapdiv {
  9. width:100%;
  10. height:100%;
  11. }
  12. .ml-btn {
  13. position:absolute;
  14. top:80px;
  15. left:45px;
  16. }
  17. </style>
  18. <script type="text/javascript" src="/JS"></script>
  19. <script type="text/javascript">
  20. ml.onload(function() {
  21. // create our map and hold a reference to it
  22. var'mapdiv'));
  24. //Adding this layer is not required for the query to work, but
  25. //helps users see where they are drawing their selection.
  26. //
  27. var layer = ml.layer(map,{
  28. "onClick": "debug",
  29. "query": {
  30. "select": {
  31. "type": ""
  32. },
  33. "where": [],
  34. "table": {
  35. "name": "hms/hotels"
  36. }
  37. },
  38. "style": {
  39. "method": "rules",
  40. "rules": [
  41. {
  42. "style": {
  43. "shape": "round",
  44. "height": "6",
  45. "width": "6",
  46. "fillColor": "204-86-86-255",
  47. "borderColorOffset": "75",
  48. "dropShadow": "false"
  49. },
  50. "where": "CatchAll"
  51. }
  52. ]
  53. }
  54. });
  57. ml.$('.wkt-response').hide();
  59. // RegionSelect options object
  60. // (map) [REQUIRED] reference to map
  61. // (callback) [REQUIRED]
  62. // (drawingType) [OPTIONAL default circle] either rectangle or circle
  63. // (query) [OPTIONAL] If provided it will return an ml.query data set to the callback
  64. // (table) [OPTIONAL] table to query using the drawing
  65. // (take) [OPTIONAL default 1,000] number of rows to return from table query
  66. // (query) [OPTIONAL] reference to a configured ml.query
  67. var RegionSelectOptions = {
  68. map: map,
  69. drawingType: 'circle',
  70. query: {
  71. table: 'hms/hotels',
  72. take: 1000
  73. },
  74. callback: function(data) { // data returned will be a Data JSON returned by ml.query
  75. // display the results
  76. ml.$('#datadiv').html(ml.util.JsonHighlight(data));
  77. ml.$('#datadiv').dialog({"title": "Query Results"});
  78. }
  79. };
  81. // takes one parameter, its Option object
  82. var drawCircleForWkt = new;
  84. // the beginDrawing() function triggers the drawing capabilities on the map.
  85. // this is reusable and can be called as many times as needed.
  86. ml.$('.ml-btn').on('click', function(e) {
  87. drawCircleForWkt.beginDrawing();
  88. });
  90. });
  91. </script>
  92. </head>
  93. <body>
  94. <div id='mapdiv' class='mapdiv'></div>
  95. <button class="ml-btn ml-btn-primary" id="region-select-trigger">
  96. Select a Region
  97. </button>
  98. <div id='datadiv'></div>
  99. </body>
  100. </html>

Sending in Query
  1. <html>
  2. <head>
  3. <style>#datadiv {
  4. height:300px !important;
  5. overflow-y:scroll;
  6. }
  7. .ml-btn {
  8. position:absolute;
  9. top:80px;
  10. left:45px;
  11. }</style>
  12. <script type="text/javascript" src="/JS"></script>
  13. <script type="text/javascript">
  14. ml.onload(function() {
  15. var map ="mapDiv");
  17. ml.$('.wkt-response').hide();
  19. // define our initial query to send in for GeoQuery processing
  20. var query=ml.query().select('*').from('hms/hotels').take(1000);
  22. // RegionSelect options object
  23. // (map) [REQUIRED] reference to map
  24. // (callback) [REQUIRED]
  25. // (drawingType) [OPTIONAL default circle] either rectangle or circle
  26. // (query) [OPTIONAL] If provided it will return an ml.query data set to the callback
  27. // (table) [OPTIONAL] table to query using the drawing
  28. // (take) [OPTIONAL default 1,000] number of rows to return from table query
  29. // (query) [OPTIONAL] reference to a configured ml.query
  30. var RegionSelectOptions = {
  31. map: map,
  32. drawingType: 'circle',
  33. query: {
  34. query: query
  35. },
  36. callback: function(data) { // data returned will be Data JSON result from ml.query
  37. // display the results
  38. ml.$('#datadiv').html(ml.util.JsonHighlight(data));
  39. ml.$('#datadiv').dialog({"title": "Query Results"});
  40. }
  41. };
  43. // takes one parameter, its Option object
  44. var drawCircleForWkt = new;
  46. // the beginDrawing() function triggers the drawing capabilities on the map.
  47. // this is reusable and can be called as many times as needed.
  48. ml.$('.ml-btn').on('click', function(e) {
  49. drawCircleForWkt.beginDrawing();
  50. });
  52. });
  53. </script>
  54. </head>
  55. <body>
  56. <div id="mapDiv" style="width:100%;height:100%;"></div>
  57. <button class="ml-btn ml-btn-primary" id="region-select-trigger">
  58. Select a Region
  59. </button>
  60. <div id="datadiv">
  61. </div>
  62. </body>
  63. </html>

No Query
  1. <html>
  2. <head>
  3. <style type="text/css" >
  4. #datadiv {
  5. height:300px !important;
  6. overflow-y:scroll;
  7. }
  8. .mapdiv {
  9. width:100%;
  10. height:100%;
  11. }
  12. .ml-btn {
  13. position:absolute;
  14. top:80px;
  15. left:45px;
  16. }
  17. </style>
  18. <script type="text/javascript" src="/JS"></script>
  19. <script type="text/javascript">
  20. ml.onload(function() {
  22. // create our map and hold a reference to it
  23. var'mapdiv'));
  25. ml.$('.wkt-response').hide();
  27. // RegionSelect options object
  28. // (map) [REQUIRED] reference to map
  29. // (callback) [REQUIRED]
  30. // (drawingType) [OPTIONAL default circle] either rectangle or circle
  31. // (query) [OPTIONAL] If provided it will return an ml.query data set to the callback
  32. // (table) [OPTIONAL] table to query using the drawing
  33. // (take) [OPTIONAL default 1,000] number of rows to return from table query
  34. // (query) [OPTIONAL] reference to a configured ml.query
  35. var RegionSelectOptions = {
  36. map: map,
  37. drawingType: 'circle',
  38. callback: function(data) { // data returned will be MapLarge WKT representation of the drawing
  39. // display the results
  40. ml.$('#datadiv').html(ml.util.JsonHighlight(data));
  41. ml.$('#datadiv').dialog({"title": "Query Results"});
  42. }
  43. };
  45. // takes one parameter, its Option object
  46. var drawCircleForWkt = new;
  48. // the beginDrawing() function triggers the drawing capabilities on the map.
  49. // this is reusable and can be called as many times as needed.
  50. ml.$('.ml-btn').on('click', function(e) {
  51. drawCircleForWkt.beginDrawing();
  52. });
  53. });
  54. </script>
  55. </head>
  56. <body>
  57. <div id='mapdiv' class='mapdiv'></div>
  58. <button class="ml-btn ml-btn-primary" id="region-select-trigger">
  59. Select a Region
  60. </button>
  61. <div id="datadiv"></div>
  62. </body>
  63. </html>