Layer Options Object
Property | Type | Explanation |
listFunc | function | Used to specify a function that will be called after the data for the layer has been obtained via the query option. The data parameter will contain the data rows from the query and the layer parameter will contain the layer. The default is to return 10 rows but that can be changed via the listMax option. See an example here. |
listMax | integer | Specifies the maximum number of rows that listFunc will return. The default value is 10. |
onClick | Used to display data about the point or object that is clicked on. | |
onHover | Display information about a data point on a layer when hovering over the data. There are two modes: 1. A function callback is used to display the data information. 2. An HTML template is used to define how the data is displayed. |
opacity | Opacity describes the transparency-level, where 1 is not transparant, 0.5 is 50% transparent, and 0 is completely transparent. | |
query | Object | Provides a mechanism for specifying the data that will be used to construct the layer. |
style | Object | Defines how the table data is rendered for the layer. |
visible | boolean | Used to make the layer visible as soon as it is created without the need to call |
Query Object
Function Signature | Return Value | Explanation | ||||||||||||||
query.join | Object | Defines a join between two different tables. The query.table value will be restricted based on what form of join is being constructed. | ||||||||||||||
query.join.method | String | The method to use when joining table. Currently supported joins are: PointInPolyJoin This will join two tables by testing each XY point in query.join.table against the boundaries of each polygon shape in query.table. This requires to be geo.poly. |
query.join.table | String | See query.table | ||||||||||||||
query.join.where | Array,Object | See query.where | ||||||||||||||
query.table | Object,String | Defines what table data will be used for this layer. If this is set to an object, it must define a name key. If this is a string, it is a table name, either in full ID or active name format. | |||||||||||||| | String | Defines what table data will be used for this layer. This is a table name, either in full ID or active name format. Example: census/BlockGroup. |
|||||||||||||| | Object,String | Defines what type of geographic map will be rendered by this layer. If this is set to an object, it must define a type key. If this is a string, the value must be one of the following values:
|||||||||||||| | String | Defines what type of geographic map will be rendered by this layer. The value must be one of the following values: geo.line geo.poly geo.heat geo.markerCluster geo.dotCluster geo.dotCluster# where # is in [16, 32, 64, 128, 256]. geo.dotCluster is assumed to be 32. |
query.where | Array | An array that defines a test clause. The test clause may be represented by either an Array of Arrays of filter Objects, or simply an Array of filter Objects. Any filter Objects that are in the same Array are treated as being joined by AND conditionals, and any Array in the same Array are treated as being joined by OR conditionals. Example: Where a, b, c, d are filter Objects [ a, b, c ] would satisfy the condition (a AND b AND c). [ [ a, b ], [ c, d ] ] would satisfy the condition (a AND b) OR (c AND d). A filter object is defined by an object with the properties col, test, and value. col must be the name of a column in either or query.join.table, or one of the aggregate column values as defined in style.shadeBy. test must be a valid filter type for the column being filtered. See section Conditional Filters for a full list. value will be different types depending on the filter; string, numeric, or list. If value is expected to be a list, it is a comma-delimited string of the appropriate type. For example, filter hotels where LowRate is less than 100 and CityName contains Atlanta: "where": [ [{ "col": "LowRate", "test": "Less", "value": "100" }, { "col": "CityName", "test": "Contains", "value": "Atlanta" }] ] |
Style Object
Property | Type | Description | ||||||
style | Object | Defines how table data is rendered for this layer. | ||||||
style.method | String | The method of shading to use when rendering the layer. Value must be one of basic, interval, or rules. If omitted, default method is basic.
style.fillColor | String | The color used to fill each XY point. Colors may be of the form Named-A, A-R-G-B, Named, or R-B-G. A list of Named values and their RGB equivalents can be found here: .net colors |
style.borderColor | String | The color used to draw border for each XY point. See style.fillColor. This is mutually exclusive with style.borderColorOffset. | ||||||
style.borderColorOffset | Integer | A +/- offset value from style.fillColor used to draw border for each XY point. See style.fillColor. This is mutually exclusive with style.borderColor. | ||||||
style.borderWidth | Integer | Width in pixels used to draw the border on each XY point. | ||||||
style.dropShadowLength | Integer | Length in pixels of the drop shadow. Assumes style.dropShadow is true. | ||||||
style.rules | Array | An array of rule objects that define a style and test criteria for rendering layer features. Tests are run in order from first to last, and any data row that matches a rule is removed as a candidate for satisfying subsequent rule definitions. | ||||||
style.rules[n].style | Object | Can contain any styling that could be used for a basic shading method. See style and style.method | ||||||
style.rules[n].where | Array,String | Can contain any tests that can be used in a standard test clause. See query.where. Additionally, the string value CatchAll may be used in the place of the a final test clause to match any data rows that have not already satisfied any previous rules. | ||||||
style.steps | Integer | The number of steps used in the interpolation between the min and max values of each range. Example: If there are three items in style.ranges and style.steps is set to 50, each range’s min to max values will be broken into 50 partitions with equal numbers of data points in each, and apply the appropriate style.colors item broken up into 50 evenly spaced colors. Option only applies to the style.method interval. |
style.shadeBy | String | The name of a column in to use for interval shading. This column must be a numeric column (Int or Double) and must be fully defined by the table name itself. Example: census/BlockGroup.Area. Additionally, if using a table join, the primary table may return aggregate values based on the type of join. These are named avg, count, and sum; representing the average, count, and sum of grouped secondary table rows. Example: census/Zip.LowRate.avg could be average of the lowest room rates that all hotels offer by zip code, if a table of hotel information was joined against the census/Zip table |
style.colors | Array | An array of color range objects that are used for each interval in style.ranges. | ||||||
style.colors[n].max | Integer | The color to use at the top of this interval range. See style.fillColor. | ||||||
style.colors[n].min | Integer | The color to use at the bottom of this interval range. See style.fillColor. | ||||||
style.ranges | Array | An array of min/max value range objects that define the sizes of each range which match up to style.colors. If omitted, a number of ranges equal to the the size of the style.colors array will be used, and min/max values will be dynamically selected to attempt an equal distribution (by count) of rows in each range. | ||||||
style.colors[n].max | Integer | The value to use for the top of this interval range. | ||||||
style.colors[n].min | Integer | The value to use for the bottom of this interval range. | ||||||
style.gradientSet | Integer | This selects between one of three built in in color gradient sets. These sets are used only if a custom interval or rule are not defined. Valid values are 0, 1 and 2. The default is 1. Used only by layers of type Heat. |
Dot Style Options
Property | Type | Explanation |
style.url | String | The absolute URL to an image to use for each XY point in the layer. |
style.height | Integer | Height in pixels to use for XY points in the layer |
style.width | Integer | Width in pixels to use for XY points in the layer |
style.size | Integer | A single value that is use for both height and width. Defining either style.height or style.width will override the corresponding dimension. |
style.shape | string | The shape to draw each XY point. Must be either rectangle or round. |
style.fillColor | string | The color used to fill each XY point. Colors may be of the form Named-A, A-R-G-B, Named, or R-B-G. A list of Named values and their RGB equivalents can be found here: .net colors |
style.borderColor | string | The color used to draw border for each XY point. See style.fillColor. This is mutually exclusive with style.borderColorOffset. |
style.borderColorOffset | integer | A +/- offset value from style.fillColor used to draw border for each XY point. See style.fillColor. This is mutually exclusive with style.borderColor. |
style.borderWidth | integer | Width in pixels used to draw the border on each XY point. |
style.text | Object | Defines how to style the text placed in each XY point. Note: If using the style.method interval the value found in the style.shadeBy column will be appended to this text. |
style.text.x | Integer | Position in pixels from the left of the XY point to start rendering text. |
style.text.y | Integer | Position in pixels from the top of the XY point to start rendering text. |
style.text.text | String | Text value to render inside each XY point. |
style.text.size | Integer | Size in pixels to render the text in each XY point. |
style.dropShadow | Boolean | Whether to apply a drop shadow to each XY point. |
style.dropShadowLength | Integer | Length in pixels of the drop shadow. Assumes style.dropShadow is true. |
Line Style Options
Property | Type | Explanation |
style.fillColor | String | The color used to fill each XY point. Colors may be of the form Named-A, A-R-G-B, Named, or R-B-G. A list of Named values and their RGB equivalents can be found here: .net colors |
style.borderColor | String | The color used to draw border for each XY point. See style.fillColor. This is mutually exclusive with style.borderColorOffset. |
style.borderColorOffset | Integer | A +/- offset value from style.fillColor used to draw border for each XY point. See style.fillColor. This is mutually exclusive with style.borderColor. |
style.borderWidth | Integer | Width in pixels used to draw the border on each XY point. |
Poly Style Options
Property | Type | Explanation |
style.fillColor | String | The color used to fill each XY point. Colors may be of the form Named-A, A-R-G-B, Named, or R-B-G. A list of Named values and their RGB equivalents can be found here: .net colors |
style.borderColor | String | The color used to draw border for each XY point. See style.fillColor. This is mutually exclusive with style.borderColorOffset. |
style.borderColorOffset | Integer | A +/- offset value from style.fillColor used to draw border for each XY point. See style.fillColor. This is mutually exclusive with style.borderColor. |
style.borderWidth | Integer | Width in pixels used to draw the border on each XY point. |
Cluster Style Options
Property | Type | Explanation |
style.cluster | Object | Clusters are a way to consolidate many points into one bigger object. They can contain any styling that could be used for a basic shading method. See style and style.method. Cluster groups are shaded independently from any style.rules or style.colors settings. |
style.cluster.clusterSpacing | Integer | The approximate spacing in pixels between clusters. To ensure no overlap make this value larger than the largest cluster icon size. |
style.cluster.clusterPosition | String | This option determines where inside of the clustering grid box that the cluster is rendered. The valid values are: topleftcenter weighted centroid location |
style.cluster.maxClusterZoom | Integer | The maximum zoom level that clustering should be in effect. Above this zoom level no clustering will occur and all points will be rendered individually. |
style.cluster.autoIconEnable | Boolean | Enables auto coloring and sizing icons. Primarily useful for the rules shading method. Valid values are true or false. |
style.cluster.autoIconSizeSpread | Integer | This controls the size spread of the cluster icons, based on the child count and this factor. Valid values are 1 thru 100. |
style.cluster.autoIconColorSpread | Integer | This controls the color spread of the cluster icons, based on the child count and this factor. Valid values are 1 thru 100. |
Heat Style Options
Property | Type | Explanation |
style.bigAreaSize | Integer | This circular rendering sub-option sets the radius of the bigger area that gets interpolated. The default value is 12. Used only by layers of type Heat. |
style.smallAreaSize | Integer | Advanced option, set automatically. This circular rendering sub-option sets the radius of the smaller area that gets interpolated. The default value is 12. Used only by layers of type Heat. |
style.bigAreaWeight | Integer | Advanced option, set automatically. This circular rendering sub-option sets the weight of the bigger area that gets interpolated. The default value is 1. Used only by layers of type Heat. |
style.smallAreaWeight | Integer | Advanced option, set automatically. This circular rendering sub-option sets the weight of the smaller area that gets interpolated. The default value is 1. Used only by layers of type Heat. |
style.blurEnable | bool | The setting enables or disables the blur operation that occurs after any interpolation operation. The default is true. Used only by layers of type Heat. |
style.blurSize | Integer | The setting controls the diameter of the circular blur window. A setting larger than bigAreaSize results in nice fuzzy blur. The default is 11. Used only by layers of type Heat. |
style.blurWeight | Integer | Advanced option, set automatically. The setting controls how much of an impact the blur has on each pixel blurred. The default value is 3. Used only by layers of type Heat. |