Key Terms
API Key Your unique API key. To request an API key please contact:
Latitude Geographic coordinate that defines the north-south position of a point on the Earth's surface. MapLarge requires decimals for input data, e.g., Latitude: 38.904351
Longitude Geographic coordinate that defines the east-west position of a point on the Earth's surface. MapLarge requires decimals for input data, e.g., Longitude: -79.517096
Address The location information received from a reverse geocoder is often informally referred to as an “address”.
Regions Covered The Reverse Geocoder API currently only covers addresses located in the United States (50 states + District of Columbia). However, international support is available on a custom support basis. Please contact
We also have a simple URL based geocode method to our api with a JSON response format that is useful for individual geocodes based on user input from a webpage. In the examples below, clicking on the url should "just work" with no programming required.
JSON without Callback (useful for server to server calls)

Example Response:  { "lat":33.7977, "lng":-84.3829875, "success":true, "streetMatch":"KnownAlternateName", "numMatch":"Exact", "streetName":"robin hood rd" }

JSON with Callback (useful for in webpage calls)

Example Response:  abc123( { "distance":0.23071821872357665, "lat":33.812529, "lng":-84.303589, "streetNumber":3161, "streetName":"N Druid Hls Rd", "city":"Decatur", "state":"GA", "zip":"30033", "country":"USA" });

Bulk Reverse Geocoding API
We also have a bulk reverse geocoding API. The examples below show the programmatic use. You post a file up and the response is the reverse geocoded records in CSV format. The API expects a post with one mandatory parameter, 'key' and the post body contains the CSV data. The response is CSV text.
I created a test account key for you YOUR-API-KEY
Bulk Reverse Geocoding Example Code Snippets
Files require a Latitude and Longitude column header (.zip and .csv are both valid, no need for zipped=true. This also goes for our regular geocoder).
Single File Post a CSV File and get CSV File response

string url = "<a href="//";">//";</a> string filePath = @"C:\Maplarge\Geocode.csv"; WebClient wc = new WebClient(); byte[] responseArray = wc.UploadFile(url, filePath); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(@"c:\Maplarge\result.csv", responseArray);
Multiple Files Post One of more CSV files as a zip package, and get a zip package back

The optional parameter 'zipped=true' indicates that your upload format is a zipped package. We support uploading a zipped dataset of one or more CSV files, they will be returned as a zipped package.

//Zipped package one ore more files url = "<a href="//;zipped=true";">//;zippe...</a> filePath = @"C:\Maplarge\"; responseArray = wc.UploadFile(url, filePath); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(@"c:\Maplarge\", responseArray);