Traffic Count Analysis
Annual Average Daily Traffic Analysis - AADT
Accurate Traffic Data
With over 4 million traffic points, the MapLarge traffic count database covers the entire US with detailed coverage for small rural roads and large urban freeways. We are continuously updating the accuracy of our traffic count data and offer interactive visuals and reporting tools with unprecedented levels of detail and performance. Discover and act on detailed traffic counts insight to guide important business decisions and increase operational profitability. Answer location questions with sophisticated visualization that can be generated in seconds. Annual average daily traffic is available at reasonable rates.
Empowering Decision-Making
Business & community planning Transportation planning Identify traffic patterns and paths for site selection Utilize high traffic volume data for optimal retail location Analyze traffic maps for location comparison Determine traffic impact on business operations

Getting Started
Explore MapLarge's Traffic Count tools and generate big results for your business.
Heavy Duty Traffic Analysis
Benefits for Routing
Schedule staffing hours to avoid heavy traffic windows Visualize traffic volume at construction and large delivery sites Greater efficiency in fleet scheduling Plan deliveries during lower traffic volume periods to promote fuel savings