Detailed customer demographics used with powerful visualization tools and dynamic reports can provide the insight necessary to make key business decisions.
Business Value with Integrated Demographic Data
Recognizing and Connecting with the Ideal Consumers
Generate accurate and relevant customer profiles with integrated demographics. Target potential and existing customers using extensive lifestyle and behavior data all the way down to the household level. Harness customer intelligence and formulate effective business strategies for sales and operations. Manage big data with accurate segmentation and rich visual analytics. Geoenrichment offers a unique opportunity to evaluate business potential and customer value. MapLarge can help your organization answer important business questions by appending detailed demographic and behavioral data to your existing business datasets. Enhance research and analysis with amazing visualization not available with long spreadsheets and databases. Geoenriched maps offer insight into:
Empowering Decision-Making
Business & community planning Transportation planning Identify traffic patterns and paths for site selection Utilize high traffic volume data for optimal retail location Analyze traffic maps for location comparison Determine traffic impact on business operations
- Where are expansion possibilities?
- Where can we find more customers like our high value customers?
- How do we target more customers in the area?
- Buying potential of various age groups?
- Shopping preferences/spending potential?

Getting Started
Explore demographics with MapLarge.
Comprehensive Demographics
Energize Analysis with Data that Matters
Drive your marketing discovery and analysis with high quality, verified, aggregated data. Demographic information generally includes income, ethnicity, gender, age, location, along with other types of information about potential and existing customers. Where they live, what they drive, shopping habits, favorite place to eat, number of children, pets, and more can all be used to understand and connect with consumers. MapLarge offers datasets from the current and previous US Census, MapLarge's current year and five year projections of US Demographics, household lifestyle and consumer data, business data, traffic count, and custom datasets. Competitive pricing and fast delivery make this valuable information an import asset for your business.
Save time and energy using MapLarge's enterprise geospatial solution. Large scale business data can quickly be used for analysis on a map by overlaying with demographic and lifestyle information. Distinguish segmented data by applying different colors and patterns. An easy to use interface makes it easy to add other types of layers for more detailed analysis. Customize demographic data with icons, ranges, pop ups like onhover and onclick, filters, and other exciting features. View data as a colorful heat map, detailed point map, impressive polygon map with millions of vertices, and many other map types.